
OEM Imaging

Reliability. Value. Done.

Camera Trade-In Program

For a limited time, you can trade in your older camera for a great discount on a new SPOT camera and software. We’ll even take other manufacturers’ cameras. If you’ve been considering an upgrade, this is an excellent opportunity.


OEM Imaging

Reliability. Value. Done.

CAP ’15 The Pathologists Meeting

Come see our pathology imaging systems in booth #502 at CAP ’15 in Nashville October 4-7, 2015.


OEM Imaging

Reliability. Value. Done.

SPOT Solves Crime Backlog

Watch this news report on how the New Orleans PD solves cases faster with amazing Leeds Forensic Systems technology featuring SPOT cameras and software.

OEM Imaging

Reliability. Value. Done.

CAP ’15 The Pathologists Meeting

October 4-7, 2015 – Nashville, TN, USA

Contact a
SPOT Imaging Specialist